Can I sell the files generated by Transmutr Artist?

No, you need a Transmutr Studio license to be allowed to sell the files generated by Transmutr. Including but not limited to: *.skp files, *.vrmesh files and *.mesh.thea files. There are two exceptions in which case you are allowed to sell the files generated by Transmutr Artist: - The files are created as a commission, and you sell them to the commissioner only. But the commissioner cannot sell them. - You sell them through the 3D Bazaar marketplace Why, you ask? Because we feel it's fair that if you are a content creator for whom Transmutr is an actual production tool, you pay extra compared to a 3D artist who uses Transmutr just to add a few objects to a render, for example. Separating these two types of licenses allows us to offer an inexpensive Artist License.

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